Friday, September 5, 2008

Project One - Case Study of Pro Bono Work for New Denver Ad Club

The first class project requires some research and a bit of cold calling. The task is to post a case study of a pro bono design project. I have chosen a video promo entitled "Death to the 50" which was created for the New Denver Ad Club's annual Denver 50 show. The original concept was conceived by NDAC board member and Karsh\Hagan Senior Copywriter Matt Ingwalson and Cactus Creative Director Norm Shearer. The Frank Miller inspired animation and video production was the skillful work of Citizen Pictures. Their site features not one, but five reels of cream of the crop work in a variety of categories. Talent in the spot included 2007 Denver 50 notable Integer Creative EVP Alan Koenke and a cameo appearance by KWGN newscaster Tom Green. Check out the video and info about the NDAC and the Denver 50 on NDAC's site.
More to follow, but let me express thanks to Matt Ingwalson for taking time out to fill me in on the NDAC and the promo. Please visit Matt's blog as well as Integer Group's observations on shopping culture and branding.


Anonymous said...

The video is way cool, but I'm not sure what they are trying to communicate. I just don't understand what the top 50 is or what you have to do to get in it. What/who are they looking for? No trophy? What's the point?

300 Spartans Gym said...

stubborn11, our target audience (agencies in Denver) already knew about the Denver 50. So our strategy was not so much to explain the show, but to create a splash around the deadline.