Thursday, October 23, 2008

design philosophy

I am still working on how to word it more concisely, but here is an in process version:
It is not disputed artists derive from and build on past ideas. Essentially, as an artist, I feel obligated to use technology in a manner which pays homage to the past and increases appreciation for a rich history of handmade art. Individually, a digital or physical material art medium has worth and always will. But attempting to innovate in combinations of media potentially reveals infinite new ways of creating and makes all art more stimulating and cherishable.

I was researching the meaning of the words doctrine, philosophy, method, etc. Check out what the word doctrine looks like on VisuWords. Its form is circular. Some of the branches are "ism" words. Girondism? I had to look that up also, since my knowledge of the French Revolution is lacking. Funny, there is no escaping politics in relationship to art or anything else, even if you try or desire to escape it.

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